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Roam Users - Stop Feeling FOMO

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  • Notes
    • I need to communicate the core value of Roam is just the note taking and linking. That's it. There's nothing more to it. I love this product with just those features
    • Extensions are just mini nudges towards making the experience alittle better
    • I need to link the relevant Twitter thread here
  • Content {{word-count}}
    • Think about our daily Google Chrome usage. What are the features we use the most? I predict it's just the following three:
      • Address Bar
      • Refresh
      • Forward and Back
    • The application has tons of other features. But our 99% use case could be boiled down to just those three and we get a ton of value.
    • Now there are thousands of Google Chrome extensions that could enrich your browsing experience. Most are even hyper targeted to single web pages like But despite how much we could potentially install onto our browser, few of us feel any "fear of missing out" in terms of Google Chrome extensions because we value the core experience so much. Sure these extensions could give us a nudge here and there. But none are so important that without them, we lose out on the value of Chrome.
    • The same is true for Roam.
    • The Roam FOMO
    • The Roam team introduced two features that made the far more extensible: roam/css and roam/js. From these features exploded a community of users releasing various themes and extensions that other users could download to give their databases a more personal experience.
    • From this rise of extensible features and addons available, we also saw the rise of tweets like below:
    • I call this Roam FOMO. Users, mostly beginners, who feel they are missing out on the Roam experience because they have not yet delved into the world of extensions and custom theming.
    • As an extension developer myself, I feel somewhat responsible for contributing to this FOMO. Which is why I also need to express the following:
    • Roam is an incredible app without any extensions
    • Vanilla Roam
    • Just like the Google Chrome usage I opened with, there are only a couple of native Roam features you need to start getting a ton of value from the application. In my opinion they are:
      • Back links
      • Sidebar
      • Daily Notes
    • That's it. That's all you need for Roam to be worth subscribing to and becoming a believer. With just these three features you get the following benefits
      • Freedom to write anywhere and chaotically
      • Actually reusing your notes when they become contextually relevant again
      • Ability to compare multiple nodes to see if any new ideas are born
    • When I first started Roam, I didn't understand it. I still used hierarchies with file/folders. I would look at it once or twice a week. Nothing clicked.
    • After about 4 months in, I started to operate from my Daily Notes page and everything changed. My mindset shifted from hierarchical to network. I started to use it every day. Only AFTER a few months of religious use in this way, did I let my imagination start to travel and see how I could integrate my other applications with Roam.
    • Developing extensions necessitated first getting comfortable with vanilla Roam. It required that I try and fail multiple different systems within the app until a few resonated. I encourage all beginners to undergo a similar experience.
    • First, get extremely comfortable with Roam's core features. Block out the noise that's happening in the Roam hacking space. Develop and iterate on your own systems until you find ones that resonate. Only then will you identify the holes that are necessary to patch. When you could clearly articulate those problems, then you will know what extensions to look for.
    • On The Pressure To Learn To Code
    • There's one other element of FOMO that exists related to Roam extensibility. Some users perceive a pressure to learn how to code to get the most out of the app.
    • I attribute most of this pressure to how early it is in Roam's lifecycle. There's an excitement surrounding the app given how new the paradigm is and how open to customization the team is. But, you don't need to know how to code to get the most out of Roam.
    • There is a growing community of hackers willing to tackle any customization you are looking to incorporate into your Roam database. Simply by tweeting out your need or by dropping your request in the Roam slack, there will be hackers ready to service these requests. Users should feel comfortable expressing these feature requests to the Roam community as hackers are constantly looking for ideas to build.
    • There are multiple languages that I'm not proficient in. They include but are not limited to design, law, healthcare, etc. Sure, learning these topics would help me better design websites, create policy surrounding my apps, and help me take care of myself. But instead, I want to focus on my core competencies while reaching out to the professionals in these areas to help service my needs when they arise.
    • Similarly, Roam users could spend time learning JavaScript. I'm more than willing to help out anyone who is. But, it might also be more worth your time to focus on the core reasons for your Roam usage, and instead reach out to engineers when one of your needs arises.
    • So to all the Roam users, especially beginners - stop feeling FOMO. Block out the noise and focus on how Roam could best empower your knowledge management.
Roam Users - Stop Feeling FOMO