The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity
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Poverty decreased from 19 in 20 to 1 in 20, even adjusting for inflation
Risk of extinction at 1 in 6... seems high. and concerning. Where does it come from?
Having less of good is bad, and humanity has so much good in its future
Can't repay everything our ancestors did for us, need to pay it forward
Interesting that he's going through the rigor of proving why it's important to care about humanity's future
We're like a teenager rn
Frustrated by the actors are not incentivized to contribute towards the public good argument
e.g. the UK is 1/100 of the world, so they only get 1/100 of the benefit on 100% effort
that's not how it works, this assumes a fixed benefit the more people contribute. The benefit is proportional to the amount people contribute, maintaining an incentive to actors to act
The existence and spread of this fallacy I think contributes to the problem more
You can discuss the importance of the future with the people in your life who matter to you. You can engage with the growing community of people who are thinking along similar lines: where you live, where you work or study, or online. And you can strive to be an informed, responsible and vigilant citizen, staying abreast of the issues and urging your political representatives to take action when important opportunities arise.
Safeguarding Humanity > Page 216
I think the best way I could contribute is donating. The problem is too amorphous to motivate me in my work and Id have difficulty determining whether I was being effective